Pain Association Scotland self management course for chronic pain starting January 2024

Christmas top tips for living wellwith dementia

Community Wellbeing Centre in Angus

Help us to create a Community Wellbeing Centre in Angus, a place where people can receive a compassionate response to […]

The Glen Isla and Glen Clova Project 

The Links Health Centre were gifted a bench from, Angus Council Justice Services, Glen Isla and Glen Clova Project  The Bench […]

Community Wellbeing Poster

Help us to create a community wellbeing centre.

Power of Attorney Day 2023

You make decisions every day about your life and your future: small decisions such as what meals to eat or how to dress and bigger decisions about things like money, your family, and your home. You make judgements about what is right for you. The law says that everyone over 16 years old in Scotland has the legal capacity to make decisions, unless a legal decision is made that this is not the case. A Power of Attorney is a legal document that

What the MPPG has achieved for our patients so far

The Montrose Patient Participation Group, have funded two plinths in the foyer of the Links Health Centre, which were crafted by […]

Gathering Views and Citizens’ Panel for health and social care

Views were gathered by Healthcare Improvement Scotland – Community Engagement using a mix of face to face interviews and group […]

Waiting well: Information on a waiting list

You may be put on a waiting list to see a healthcare specialist or to get health and social care […]